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Once perfluoroanthracene has been successfully built, the PQS input file can be prepared. We are going to optimize the geometry using DFT and then compute vibrational frequencies (to characterize the nature of the stationary point, i.e., to ensure that it is a minimum) and NMR chemical shifts.
Select the Calculation→Job Input menu item to start the input generator. Since our build file has not yet been named, the File Save dialog (Figure ) will appear, prompting you to provide a filename. By default the empirical formula will be provided as a filename; this can be changed by typing in an alternative name. Here the file has been named F-anthracene.pqb
Once the file has been successfully named, the input preparation window will appear, Figure . As shown, the job has been set up as a B3LYP/tzvp_ahlirchs optimization + frequency + NMR.
Press the Done button to save the changes to the input file.
Step 6
Preparing the input file
(the file extension must be pqb).